Povídky z fandomu Supernatural

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Odkaz | Autor: LisaWinchester | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: fanvid | Postavy: Crowley | Rating: Pro všechny | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Crowley, exkrál křižovatek, dnes král celého Pekla.
Klíčová slova: crowley, humor, fanvideo


Odkaz | Autor: LisaWinchester | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: fanvid | Postavy: Crowley | Rating: Pro všechny | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Crowley, exkrál křižovatek, dnes král celého Pekla.
Klíčová slova: crowley, humor, fanvideo

The Best Years of Our Lives, My Ass

Odkaz | Autor: ireallyhatecornnuts (CharleyFoxtrot) | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Dean/Castiel, Sam, Mary, John, Baktazar, Crowley, Gabriel | Rating: | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 8
Klíčová slova:

The Dance of Inanna

Odkaz | Autor: PeppermintWind | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: ČJ | Postavy: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Benny, Sam Winchester, Amelia Richardson, Don Richardson, Kevin Tran, Linda Tran, Garth, Charlie Bradbury, Claire Novak, Crowley, Naomi, Samandriel, Artemis, Inanna, Loki | Rating: NC-17 | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 13
Shrnutí: “Hey Sammy? You didn’t happen to start an apocalypse while I was in Purgatory, did you?” Or: After the disappearance of the One, pagan gods are fighting over who gets the world. Alliances are forged and broken, Zeus and Enlil form a bromance, Odin teams up with Isis, Loki probably has an evil plan, Artemis ponders second-wave feminism, Crowley is amused, the angels are not, Inanna has opinions, Don is a Carver Edland fan. And Dean and Cas aren’t fooling anybody.
Klíčová slova:

The Devil Made Me Do It

Odkaz | Autor: FireflyFanatic3x | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Sam Winchester, Derek Morgan, Dean Winchester, Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia | Rating: PG-13 - od třinácti let | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 13
Shrnutí: Abaddon is up to something, and Sam, Dean and Cas need to find out what before it's too late. But when 7 bodies turn up in Lebanon, Kansas, the BAU team is called in to investigate two of America's most evasive and dangerous killers. They will not relent until the Winchesters are in custody. But how do you profile a hunter? And how do you save the world from inside a jail cell?
Klíčová slova: Crossover, Myšlenky zločince, Criminal Minds, krimi, únos, sériový vrah, démon, odhalení nadpřirozena

The Empty Room

Odkaz | Autor: germanjj | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Jared/Jensen | Rating: NC-17 | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 3
Shrnutí: Jared’s life felt like it was slowly falling into pieces, slipping right through his fingers and he didn’t even know why.What he did know was that there had to be a reason why he would always find his dogs scratching at the door to the empty room in his house. Why he would hesitate so many times before driving off to set simply because it felt wrong somehow to go alone. Why he would dream of this one guy he’d never met, but who, in his dreams, felt like a man he had spent a lifetime with. Why he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something, someone, he’d forgotten.
Klíčová slova: J2, RPS, angst, drama, hurt/comfort, sex, rimming, fluff

The Empty Room

Odkaz | Autor: germanjj | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Jared/Jensen | Rating: NC-17 | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 3
Shrnutí: Jared’s life felt like it was slowly falling into pieces, slipping right through his fingers and he didn’t even know why.What he did know was that there had to be a reason why he would always find his dogs scratching at the door to the empty room in his house. Why he would hesitate so many times before driving off to set simply because it felt wrong somehow to go alone. Why he would dream of this one guy he’d never met, but who, in his dreams, felt like a man he had spent a lifetime with. Why he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something, someone, he’d forgotten.
Klíčová slova: J2, RPS, angst, drama, hurt/comfort, sex, rimming, fluff

The Empty Room

Odkaz | Autor: germanjj | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Jared/Jensen | Rating: NC-17 | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 3
Shrnutí: Jared’s life felt like it was slowly falling into pieces, slipping right through his fingers and he didn’t even know why.What he did know was that there had to be a reason why he would always find his dogs scratching at the door to the empty room in his house. Why he would hesitate so many times before driving off to set simply because it felt wrong somehow to go alone. Why he would dream of this one guy he’d never met, but who, in his dreams, felt like a man he had spent a lifetime with. Why he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something, someone, he’d forgotten.
Klíčová slova: J2, RPS, angst, drama, hurt/comfort, sex, rimming, fluff

The Empty Room

Odkaz | Autor: germanjj | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Jared/Jensen | Rating: NC-17 | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 3
Shrnutí: Jared’s life felt like it was slowly falling into pieces, slipping right through his fingers and he didn’t even know why.What he did know was that there had to be a reason why he would always find his dogs scratching at the door to the empty room in his house. Why he would hesitate so many times before driving off to set simply because it felt wrong somehow to go alone. Why he would dream of this one guy he’d never met, but who, in his dreams, felt like a man he had spent a lifetime with. Why he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something, someone, he’d forgotten.
Klíčová slova: J2, RPS, angst, drama, hurt/comfort, sex, rimming, fluff

The freaky hotel adventure

Odkaz | Autor: Mary Barrens | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: ČJ | Postavy: Derek Morgan, Dean Winchester, Spencer Reid, Castiel | Rating: G – pro všechny | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Muž, kterého Reid oslovil jako Deana – a odkud ho kruci mohl znát?! – si strhl brokovnici z ramene, a bez přemýšlení na ducha vystřelil.
Klíčová slova: Crossover, Myšlenky zločince, lovec Reid, odhalení nadpřirozena, destiel

The French Correction

Odkaz | Autor: CNLC0rpses | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Dean Winchester/Misha Collins, Sam Winchester, Dean/Castiel | Rating: | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 11
Shrnutí: When Balthazar zaps Dean and Sam into the parallel universe where their life is a TV-show, Dean finds himself to be in a very serious, very GAY relationship, with a tweet-happy actor, looking exactly like Cas. That may cause some trouble on the way.
Klíčová slova: destiel. French Mistake AU

The French Correction

Odkaz | Autor: CNLC0rpses | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Dean Winchester/Misha Collins, Sam Winchester, Dean/Castiel | Rating: | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 11
Shrnutí: When Balthazar zaps Dean and Sam into the parallel universe where their life is a TV-show, Dean finds himself to be in a very serious, very GAY relationship, with a tweet-happy actor, looking exactly like Cas. That may cause some trouble on the way.
Klíčová slova: destiel. French Mistake AU

The helpful brothers

Odkaz | Autor: Mary Barrens | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: ČJ | Postavy: Castiel/Dean, Sam, Gabriel | Rating: | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: „Kde jsou hrdličky?“ ozval se za ním pobavený hlas a Sam protočil oči. Jo, přesně tohle mu ještě chybělo.
Klíčová slova: destiel, Gabriel, humor

The Kids are All Right

Odkaz | Autor: SeeEmRunning | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Sam Winchester, tým BAU | Rating: G – pro všechny | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: What if, in Criminal Minds 6.09, it was the Winchester boys who were taken?
Klíčová slova: Myšlenky zločince, sériový vrah, lovci monster, FBI, crossover, fantasy

The Law of Conservation of Energy

Odkaz | Autor: peroxidepest17 | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: ČJ | Postavy: Dean/Cas, Sam, Bobby, Crowley, Balthazar, Raphael | Rating: PG-13 | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 12
Shrnutí: The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one state into another. And what is grace, if not energy? In order to win the war in Heaven, Castiel and the Winchesters embark on a cross-country quest to find the scattered shards of Gabriel’s grace in the hopes that its remaining power will be enough to defeat Raphael.
Klíčová slova: destiel, post s6 e20, preslash

The Mirror

Odkaz | Autor: cloudyjenn | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sam/alternativní Castiel, Gabriel | Rating: | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 3
Shrnutí: When Dean touches a strange mirror, he's whisked away to one alternate reality after another and it doesn't take him long to realize the universe is trying to tell him something.
Klíčová slova:

The Monster Inside

Odkaz | Autor: MarmeLady_Orange | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: | Rating: | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 18
Klíčová slova: destiel, Mpreg

The Most Important Thing

Odkaz | Autor: NorthernSparrow | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: | Rating: 18+ | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 14
Klíčová slova:

The Request

Odkaz | Autor: cloudyjenn | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester, Anna Milton, Michael | Rating: | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 9
Klíčová slova:

The Soul Piece

Odkaz | Autor: cloudyjenn | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Mary Winchester, John Winchester, Anael, Zachariáš, Uriel | Rating: | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 38
Shrnutí: When a human child is born, their soul is shattered into bright gleaming pieces that scatter to the winds.
Klíčová slova:

The Story of You and Me

Odkaz | Autor: the_diggler | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: | Rating: | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 14
Klíčová slova:

the taste of gravel in the mouth

Odkaz | Autor: beenghosting | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: ČJ | Postavy: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester | Rating: Explicit | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: This is what Cas gave up Heaven for: greasy diner food, shitty motel rooms with even shittier cable, long car rides spent in complete silence except for the same six tapes playing over and over again, and a burnt-out husk of a man who can barely hold a conversation anymore.
Klíčová slova: Post-Demon Dean, Human Castiel, Withdrawal, Internalized Homophobia, Hurt/ComfortAngst, Mark of Cain, Road Trips

This is Not Convenient

Odkaz | Autor: cloudyjenn | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Dean/Castiel, Sam | Rating: 13 | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 2
Shrnutí: If Castiel doesn't find a mate soon, the council will assign him one. And Dean's not about to let that happen.
Klíčová slova: destiel, nucený svazek

This kind of loneliness

Odkaz | Autor: Mary Barrens | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: ČJ | Postavy: Dean Winchester, Aaron Hotchner | Rating: G – pro všechny | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Dean Winchester se vůbec nechová tak, jak očekávali, jen mlčí, ty výrazně zelené oči, které vypadají, jako by viděly mnohem víc, než měly, má upřené pořád na to samé místo kamsi do prázdna, a Morganovi po zádech přeběhne mráz, protože ty oči nevypadají jenom bez výrazu a prázdné, ale mrtvé.
Klíčová slova: Crossover, Myšlenky zločince, mrtvý Sam

Thursday’s Child

Odkaz | Autor: strangeandcharm | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: ČJ | Postavy: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Chuck | Rating: mature | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 12
Shrnutí: Thursday's child has far to go.
Klíčová slova: destiel, endverse

“Nejvíc mě štvalo, že na postapokalyptickou verzi to bylo všechno vlastně dost v pohodě. Nicméně po první zklamané reakci, mě tahle povídka už jen příjemně přakvapovala. Je to sympaticky vyrovnaný mix melodramatu s věcným pojetím. A ikdyž to možná nebyla ta nejlepší věc, co jsem kdy četla a přisoudila bych jí několikanásovně víc kudos než na AO3 má. Takže, tady je mé ostré doporučení, čtenáři destielu, vzpamatujte se ... a mačkejte! ;)”

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