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Mistakes Men Make

  • Autor: Razzberry
  • Fandom: Harry Potter
  • Jazyk: AJ
  • Postavy: Snape, další profesoři a studenti
  • Rating: neuveden
  • Slash: ne
  • Dokončeno: dokončeno
  • Počet kapitol: 9
  • Shrnutí: Professor Snape finds Hermione letting Ron ´borrow´ her homework, and assigns her detention, but in a fit of pity, decides to give her a chance to redeem herself. When he sends her a note telling her to be prepared to convince him to allow her to make up the assignment, one has to ask if the words she read and the ones he wrote were the same.
  • Klíčová slova: drama

Hodnocení čtenářů:

“Snape podezřelý ze zneužívání studentů - takhle by to totiž dopadlo, kdyby si Snape skutečně něco začal s Harrym nebo Hermionou.”