Přehled povídek autora - plorp


Odkaz | Autor: plorp | Fandom: Stargate | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Daniel Jackson/Teal'c | Rating: Explicit | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Daniel laughed, loudly enough for the group of airmen a few tables over to glance over at them curiously. Suddenly, he felt watched. It was ironic, Daniel knew, that the two men most out of place on the base spent the most time there. Not even Sam, who he often found asleep in the lab, was on base as much as Daniel. He didn’t really have anywhere else to go, or anyone else to go to. And Teal’c - well, Teal’c was confined there. Voluntary or not, it was confinement. Daniel looked back at Teal’c. An idea occurred to him, and he voiced it without thinking too much about it. “You want to get out of here?”
Klíčová slova: First Time, Alien Cultural Differences, Smut, Slice of Life, Character Study