Přehled povídek autora - HogwartsToAlexandria

Never Unseen

Odkaz | Autor: HogwartsToAlexandria | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Snape/Kingsley | Rating: přístupné | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Saying h had hoped the day Severus let him help would come would be overstating the facts, but Kingsley certainly was glad he had been around the night the other man needed his help more than he needed his pride.
Klíčová slova: hurt/comfort, preslash

“Krátké, ale stačilo to aby z toho zamrazilo.”
“Klasický hurt/comfort, pro který je tahle dvojice jako dělaná.”