Povídky v AJ - ohodnocené na 80%

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The Marriage

Odkaz | Autor: Janara | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: HP, AB, Voldemort, SS, LM | Rating: T | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Complete At the start of Harry's seventh year Dumbledore has come up with the perfect way of ending the war. There is only one problem, Harry refuses to play the Headmaster's game. Will Harry be able to avoid the trap set by the aged wizard?
Klíčová slova:

The Marriage Stone

Odkaz | Autor: Josephine Darcy | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: HP/SS | Rating: 16+ | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 77
Shrnutí: Aby se vyhnul machinacím ministra, musí si Harry vzít zpěčujícího se Severuse Snapea. Ale sňatek je jenom začátek Harryho problémů. Voldemort se vrátil a už zanedlouho může Harryho manželství rozhodnout o osudu světa.
Klíčová slova: politika, vynucený sňatek, mocný Harry

The Master and the Wolf

Odkaz | Autor: ntamara | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Snape/Lupin | Rating: NC-17 | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 3
Shrnutí: In desperation, Lord Remus Lupin vowed to give half of his gold to any male who could cure him or if she was a maiden marry her. But the poor and unattractive Potions master didn’t want the gold...
Klíčová slova: AU, humor, sex s vlkodlakem

The Mercy of the Hangman

Odkaz | Autor: Delphi | Fandom: Our Flag Means Death | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Izzy/OMC | Rating: decentní | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Jak Izzy ke jménu přišel.
Klíčová slova: lodní deník, ficlet, pre-canon

The Merry-Go-Round

Odkaz | Autor: Abstract Concept | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Harry Potter/Severus Snape | Rating: 18+ | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Harry pokouší osud a dostane víc než chce, Snape ho chce vystrašit.
Klíčová slova: sex, sex, sex , PWP, Snarry, Threesome, Crossdressing etc.

The Merry-Go-Round

Odkaz | Autor: Abstract Concept | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Harry Potter/Severus Snape | Rating: 18+ | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Harry pokouší osud a dostane víc než chce, Snape ho chce vystrašit.
Klíčová slova: sex, sex, sex , PWP, Snarry, Threesome, Crossdressing etc.

The Merry-Go-Round

Odkaz | Autor: Abstract Concept | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Harry Potter/Severus Snape | Rating: 18+ | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Harry pokouší osud a dostane víc než chce, Snape ho chce vystrašit.
Klíčová slova: sex, sex, sex , PWP, Snarry, Threesome, Crossdressing etc.

The Mills of Manchester

Odkaz | Autor: lysanatt (snapelike) | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Snape/Lupin | Rating: NC-17 | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 11
Shrnutí: It is a cold and bitter January day when famous chef Severus Snape is sacked from the posh French restaurant he has been managing for almost fifteen years. He discovers there is a world outside—a world where three meals a day is a luxury and life is a struggle to stay alive. Soon Severus finds himself queuing up for a job at the cotton mills, and it is not an entirely pleasant experience. Several people try to interfere with Severus´ life, and when Remus Lupin suddenly shows up, Severus´ plans take a quite different turn... původní odkaz: http://snupinsanta.annex-files.com/viewstory.php?sid=97&ageconsent=ok&warning=1
Klíčová slova: AU, hurt/comfort

The Mills of Manchester

Odkaz | Autor: lysanatt (snapelike) | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Snape/Lupin | Rating: NC-17 | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 11
Shrnutí: It is a cold and bitter January day when famous chef Severus Snape is sacked from the posh French restaurant he has been managing for almost fifteen years. He discovers there is a world outside—a world where three meals a day is a luxury and life is a struggle to stay alive. Soon Severus finds himself queuing up for a job at the cotton mills, and it is not an entirely pleasant experience. Several people try to interfere with Severus´ life, and when Remus Lupin suddenly shows up, Severus´ plans take a quite different turn... původní odkaz: http://snupinsanta.annex-files.com/viewstory.php?sid=97&ageconsent=ok&warning=1
Klíčová slova: AU, hurt/comfort

The Mirror

Odkaz | Autor: cloudyjenn | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sam/alternativní Castiel, Gabriel | Rating: | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 3
Shrnutí: When Dean touches a strange mirror, he's whisked away to one alternate reality after another and it doesn't take him long to realize the universe is trying to tell him something.
Klíčová slova:

The Mirror of Maybe

Odkaz | Autor: Midnight Blue | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Harry Potter/Severus Snape | Rating: 18+ | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: nedokončeno | Poslední aktualizace: nezadáno | Počet kapitol: 21
Klíčová slova: Snarry

The Mirror of Nrop

Odkaz | Autor: eeyore9990 | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Sirius/Remus, Sirius/Snape/Remus | Rating: NC-17 | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: The Mirror of Erised shows only what your heart desires. Teenaged boys, however, don't necessarily desire with their hearts. threesome, rimming, sex, double penetration, blow job, Kinky Kristmas 2010
Klíčová slova: sex

The Morning After

Odkaz | Autor: TheRosetteThief | Fandom: Our Flag Means Death | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Černovous/Stede Bonnet/Izzy Hands | Rating: decentní | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Izzy is bad at feelings and understanding when he's loved. Stede is an actual godsend for him.
Klíčová slova: ficlet, trojka, fluff

The Most Epic Birthday Party EVAH!

Odkaz | Autor: A_Who_in_Whoville | Fandom: Doctor Who | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Doctor (10.), Rose Tyler | Rating: bez omezení | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Autorky: onabearskinrug, timelord1, who_in_whoville a callistawolf Co se stane, když necháte výše zmíněné autorky v nóbl hotelu s čokoládou, Arbor Mistem, Doktorem a Rose.
Klíčová slova: narozeniny, humor, fanynky

The Most Epic Birthday Party EVAH!

Odkaz | Autor: A_Who_in_Whoville | Fandom: Doctor Who | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Doctor (10.), Rose Tyler | Rating: bez omezení | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Autorky: onabearskinrug, timelord1, who_in_whoville a callistawolf Co se stane, když necháte výše zmíněné autorky v nóbl hotelu s čokoládou, Arbor Mistem, Doktorem a Rose.
Klíčová slova: narozeniny, humor, fanynky

The Most Important Thing

Odkaz | Autor: NorthernSparrow | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: | Rating: 18+ | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 14
Klíčová slova:

The Name I''ll Give to Thee

Odkaz | Autor: Lomona Aeren | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy | Rating: R | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 45
Shrnutí: Harry just saved the world—again. But he did it by pulling on the magic and lives of all the wizards tied to him, and the Malfoys had the most to lose. Now Draco is demanding the ancient payment of such a debt: that Harry become a Malfoy, in name and life and tradition.
Klíčová slova: Drarry

The Next Morning

Odkaz | Autor: willyolioleo | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: HP, HG, RW | Rating: K+ (9+) | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Co když ty pasti v prváku byly skutečně navrženy tak, aby zabránily temnému kozelníkovi dostat se ke kameni mudrců? Jakou šanci by měla skupinka prvňáků? Odpověď: vůbec žádnou.
Klíčová slova: humor

The Nine Lives of Severus Snape

Odkaz | Autor: The Treacle Tart | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Snape/Lupin | Rating: T | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Severus goes exploring in his new Animagus form and finds more than he bargained for.
Klíčová slova: Snape zvěromág

The Nine Lives of Severus Snape

Odkaz | Autor: The Treacle Tart | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Snape/Lupin | Rating: T | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Severus goes exploring in his new Animagus form and finds more than he bargained for.
Klíčová slova: Snape zvěromág

The Nine Lives of Severus Snape

Odkaz | Autor: The Treacle Tart | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Snape/Lupin | Rating: T | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Severus goes exploring in his new Animagus form and finds more than he bargained for.
Klíčová slova: Snape zvěromág

The Obligatory Marriage Law Fic

Odkaz | Autor: Luan Mao | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: HP | Rating: T (13+) | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Harry se musí oženit pro dobro kouzelnické Británie. To se Harrymu nelíbí.
Klíčová slova: zákon o manželství

The Oddity of Kisses

Odkaz | Autor: femmequixotic | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Snape/Gregory Goyle | Rating: explicitní | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Sometimes when Greg´s flustered his mind doesn´t work quite properly, and then things happen. Like kissing Snape.
Klíčová slova: Gregory Goyle jako truhlář/řezbář, Snape žije

The Other Game: A Post-Game Wrap-up

Odkaz | Autor: DVS | Fandom: Profesionálové | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Cowley/Andrews | Rating: neuveden | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: neuvedeno
Klíčová slova: sex

The Other Side of Existence

Odkaz | Autor: Starry Bright Light | Fandom: Stargate | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Alex Rider, John Sheppard | Rating: G – pro všechny | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: nedokončeno | Poslední aktualizace: 2024-05-17 | Počet kapitol: 48
Shrnutí: Alex had settled into his life as an ex-reluctant spy. He went to the local university, kept up with his part-time job, and kept his head down. Unfortunately, that's not good enough for the bad guys still out in the world that want him dead. And after an encounter with a certain Colonel John Sheppard, Alex's perfectly settled, completely normal life is turned on its head.
Klíčová slova: Crossover, Alex Rider, špión, CIA, MI6, mimozemšťané, armáda, utajená identita, PTSD, goa'uld

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