Výběr autorů podle abecedy


No Difference

Odkaz | Autor: The_Bookkeeper | Fandom: Supernatural | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan | Rating: G – pro všechny | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Derek has been in a lot of bad situations. This one easily makes the top five. Or would, if Dean and Sam Winchester were actually acting like the sadistic psychopaths he expected them to be. Instead, Dean is referencing Star Trek, Sam is comforting Reid, and Derek has never been more confused.
Klíčová slova: Myšlenky zločince, sériový vrah, lovci monster, odhalení nadpřirozena, FBI, crossover